

ER S/P GSW - Academy of American Poets

from “Banana [ ]” - Poetry Magazine

Sonnet to the Country Club Ladies - a deep read by the Stranger

Nogales Entry: Elegy for José Antonio Elena Rodríguez - Dialogist

Two poems - Iterant Magazine

“Genesis” - Triquarterly

One poem from “Hospital Pamphlet” - Poetry Northwest

One poem from “Hospital Pamphlet” - Moss

“Elegy with Crop-Duster” - PEN America

Three poems from the series “Negotiations” - BOMB

Three poems from “Negotiations” - The Acentos Review

“Domestic Advance” - The LA Times


from “Banana [ ]” - Pleiades

Three poems (translated to Ukranian) - Anthology of Young Poetry of the U.S.A.

“For Anna on the Day a Man Flashed Her on the Beach” - Best New Poets Anthology

“There’s a New Sheriff in Town” and “Kingdom of” - Gulf Coast